Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Considering this is the last time to post (basically), I think it's a good time to reflect.

I know I'm not going to finish the book, but that doesn't mean I won't finish it over the summer or eventually. However, of the parts I did read, I really did enjoy the majority of the parts involving Hal. One of the greatest things about this book in my opinion, is how you really do get to know an incredible amount about each of these characters. Instead of just looking at a time line though, and seeing all the important moments in their lives, DFW throws the reader into each of those situations, as well as a few others. Although, admittedly, at times this seems a little overwhelming, it made it easier to get into the psyche of each of these very complex characters. I mean, come to think of it, it'd probably be really hard for him to convey these characters any other way. Their complexities are so wide-ranging and their histories so ridiculous that a novel of this magnitude is almost (dare I say it) justified.

Yet, one of my largest questions remains horribly and angrily unanswered. Why does he constantly need the freaking endnotes? I just don't understand how they enhance the story at all or the feeling of the novel. They just frustrate me in every way possible. I remember at the beginning of the year that Mr. K said it would help to think of this novel as a movie in terms of the consistency and how the novel switches topics often. I don't think that helped when I was reading the novel because when I was reading, I would get way too into the readings to consciously create an image. I mean, I have images in my head, but they're just things I imagine subconsciously. If I have to focus on the image it slows me down and I get lost. Maybe I'm just not that great of a reader, but I think taking this book as a book is the best way to go.

Overall, I'd say the experience with Infinite Jest was a positive one. I know I did not finish, but I do expect to finish the book sometime in the future (aka the summer), and I look forward to the ending then. However, of the parts I did read, I (for the most part) greatly enjoyed it, and I don't regret it. Then again, I'm always going to be frustrated with the disgusting amount of time I have to put into reading this book. Despite this, it was very good and I enjoyed it.


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