Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Am I the only one who doesn't read these titles?

I'm on character watch as far as those job things are still in effect, and the character of the hour is Randy Lenz. Weird compulsions: knowing the time to an unnecessarily accurate degree, traveling N-NE and being in those parts of the room, and killing things/watching things die. For a while, to me, it seemed as though Randy Lenz wass being introduced for the first time (I could have potentially missed something obvious), but page 562 suggests that we've already met Lenz, under the guise of 'yrstruly' from the weirdly narrated parts:"thundering around due north of where yrstruly and Green strolled through the urban grid"

Also since last time we discussed the book we mentioned destructive cycles and how they don't just apply to individuals (we specifically mentioned broadcast TV/the advertisement agencies as an example) the whole explanation of annular fusion and DT-cycles sounded vaguely familiar. Here's a brilliant idea that seems logical at every step (the processes cancel out each other's poisons) and yet on the whole is terribly destructive (skull-less babies, giant feral hamsters, insects, etc.).


Blogger Cory said...

For a reason I can no longer remember I thought that Emil Minty was "yrstruly" (I'm guessing I think/thought his name was mentioned in connection to that story line somewhere...). Sorry I'm not more helpful.

Plus, yrstruly seemed like a pretty OK guy, not a weirdly compulsive one.

3/21/2007 10:57 PM  

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